Horizon is set to automatically change an item status to "Hold Expired" after 8 days on the hold shelf. We do recommend you review the report daily, it can be found in the same "Requests" menu as the Pull List - just move farther down the list to "Expired/Cancelled Holds" and it will display the items that should be removed from your hold shelf.

As a reminder, twice a month you will receive this Expired Hold report. It is sorted by the library hold shelf (where the item was when the hold expired). Below are instructions for processing items on your "Expired Hold Report".

Items owned by your library -

· If the item is on your hold shelf

o Check it in and verify the status changes to Checked In

o Shelve the book or follow normal procedures if it has other requests pending

· If the item is not on your hold shelf, check where it should be on your shelves

o If you find it, check it in and verify the status changes to Checked In

o If you do not find it, follow your local procedures to continue looking for the item and change the status to Not on Shelf (NOS)

Items from another library that expired on your library hold shelf -

· If the item is on your hold shelf

o Check it in

o Follow normal procedures to send to the appropriate library

· If the item is not on your hold shelf, check other shelves to see if it was misshelved

o If found, check it in and follow normal procedures to send it to the appropriate library

o If not found, contact the owning library and let them know you have not found it at your library so they can look for the item at their library. If they don't find it, they should change the status to NOS and follow their local procedures to continue looking for the item.

Once an item status changes to "Expired Hold" there is NO easy way in Horizon to see where the item may be, ONLY a SQL or Analytics report will provide that information.


HORIZON BUG - If the item status does NOT change to Checked In after checking the item in, contact Chris or Robert with the item barcode and title. There is a bug affecting items checked out from the expired holds status. Horizon will function properly from the patron perspective properly checking the item out to the borrower, but the item status will remain Expired Hold. S/D must run a SQL statement to correct the problem.